If this is your first time seeing Dr. Mitch, please choose Initial Chiropractic Assessment. For follow-up appointments, existing clients can book either 15 or 30 minute Subsequent Chiropractic. Telehealth services are also available. To book your appointment, click the service on the left hand side and availability will be displayed.

You can also book or inquire by phone (call or text) at 416-904-9150 or by email at mitch@movebetterhp.com.

Dr. Mitch Broser is a Chiropractor, Strength & Conditioning Coach and International Educator. Mitch has extensive experience working with a wide variety of clients and athletes, addressing both acute and chronic muscle, joint and nervous system issues. He has a special interest in hands-on treatment and exercise prescription to reduce pain and improve physical performance. His sessions typically include soft tissue therapy, joint manipulation/mobilization, exercise rehab and education. He believes exercise and education play a vital role in empowering his clients to take control of their physical health. When Dr. Mitch is not working with clients, he travels the world teaching these same treatment, training and rehabilitation techniques to other coaches, therapists and professional sports teams.

Dr. Mitch Broser is a Chiropractor, Strength & Conditioning Coach and International Educator.... Read More

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